Smart Teller System
STS-320 Introduction
With the human-machine intelligent interaction technology, it
has integrated functions to shunt counter business, boost
efficiency and reduce operation cost by enhancing channel
Strengthen Marketing of Branches
Adopted optional cash module, it achieves cash and noncash
business, covers 90”4 counter transactions. With advertising
display, it can strengthen marketing of branch to change the
functions of the bank network from business-oriented to a
marketing-oriented and provide one-stop service.
Promote Counter Diversion
Improve the utilization rate of self-service eguipment and ebank, realize the information sharing of all channels, enhance coordination service and reduce the operating cost of the network.
With Cash Acceptor for 2000 notes and Card Issuer for 450 Card

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th Floor, JL. MH.Thamrin
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F-40, Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya, Jakarta
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